Pet Nutrition: How to Transition Your Pet to a Raw Food Diet

Raw food diet provides numerous health benefits for pets. Consult with our veterinarians at Ocean Animal Hospital for an individualized nutritional plan for your furry friend.

Pet Allergies: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment Options

Pet allergies can cause discomfort for both pets and owners. Symptoms include itching, red skin, and hot spots. Common types of allergies include food, flea, and environmental allergies. Treatment options include eliminating offending ingredients, flea prevention, and environmental control. Medications, allergy testing, and immunotherapy may also be used.

Pet Poison Prevention: Common Household Items that can be Dangerous for Pets

Learn about common household items that can be harmful to pets and how to prevent accidental poisoning in this informative blog post.

Pet Dental Health Month: The Importance of Oral Care for Pets

February is Pet Dental Health Month. Keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy with regular check-ups and cleanings at Ocean Animal Hospital located in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The Role of Exercise in Pet Health: How to Keep Your Pet Active and Fit

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining the overall health and well-being of your pet. At Ocean Animal Hospital we understand the importance of exercise and can help you develop a customized exercise plan for your furry friend.

Pet Nutrition 101: A Guide to Feeding Your Pet a Balanced Diet

Learn how to provide a balanced diet for your pet at Ocean Animal Hospital located in Cape Canaveral, Florida. We offer guidance on how to choose the right pet food, and portion sizes, and how to work with your veterinarian. Visit us or call (321) 406-1618 for help.

The Benefits of Pet Therapy: Enhancing Mental and Physical Health with Animal Companionship

Pet Therapy, known as animal-assisted therapy, enhances mental and physical health across all age groups. It encompasses various animals like horses, birds, rabbits, and fish, providing versatile therapeutic benefits. Visit Ocean Animal Hospital in Cape Canaveral, Florida to learn more about the transformative power of pet therapy and schedule a session today!

Preventing Parasites in Pets: A Comprehensive Guide to Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Prevention

Discover effective flea, tick, and heartworm prevention techniques for your pets at Ocean Animal Hospital in Cape Canaveral, Florida. From maintaining a pest-free yard to utilizing recommended preventatives, our comprehensive guide ensures your pet's health and happiness.

The Importance of Spay and Neuter for Pets

Spay and neuter procedures are essential for pet health & well-being. Benefits include reduced risk of cancer & unwanted behaviors and prevent medical conditions. Our experienced veterinarians provide the best care for your pet at Ocean Animal Hospital, 7620 North Atlantic Ave. Cape Canaveral, Florida, 32920. Call (321) 406-1618 to schedule an appointment.

The Importance of Regular Vaccinations for Pet Health

Regular vaccinations are vital for safeguarding your pet's well-being. At Ocean Animal Hospital, we prioritize the health of your beloved companion and offer comprehensive vaccination services to provide optimal protection.

The Role of Nutrition in Preventing and Managing Chronic Pet Diseases: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the vital role of nutrition in preventing and managing chronic pet diseases, and how Ocean Animal Hospital can provide expert guidance to optimize your furry companion's health through proper nutrition.

The Link Between Pet Mental Health and Human Mental Health

At Ocean Animal Hospital, we understand the link between pet and human mental health and offer comprehensive care, training, grooming, and therapy for pets to help them and their owners live happy and healthy lives. We offer affordable services and are dedicated to providing the best care for your pet. Visit us or call (321) 406-1618 to learn more.

Valentine's Day Pet Safety Tips from Ocean Animal Hospital: Keeping Your Pet Safe and Healthy

Valentine's Day Pet Safety Tips: Ensure the safety and well-being of your beloved pet with expert tips from Ocean Animal Hospital. Keep your furry friend safe and healthy during Valentine's Day.

Pet Nutrition for a Healthy Weight: Expert Tips and Advice from Ocean Animal Hospital

Explore the significance of pet nutrition and maintaining a healthy weight. Discover expert tips on balanced diets, portion control, and regular exercise, and seek guidance from Ocean Animal Hospital, your local veterinary practice at 7620 North Atlantic Ave. Cape Canaveral, Florida, 32920 Schedule an appointment today for a healthier pet.

Essential Pet Dental Care: Why Regular Cleanings Are Vital

Maintain your pet's overall health with regular dental cleanings at Ocean Animal Hospital. Schedule an appointment today to give your pet a healthy smile and prevent potential issues.

Protecting Your Pet from Preventable Diseases: The Importance of Vaccinations

Prioritize your pet's health with regular vaccinations at Ocean Animal Hospital. Ensure their protection from preventable diseases by scheduling an appointment today.

Solving Common Pet Behavioral Issues: A Comprehensive Guide

Receive expert guidance on resolving common pet behavioral issues from the experienced team at Ocean Animal Hospital. Contact us at (321) 406-1618 or visit us at 7620 North Atlantic Ave. Cape Canaveral, Florida, 32920 for assistance.

Pet Behavior: How to Stop Your Cat from Scratching Furniture

Cats scratch furniture for several reasons, including sharpening claws, marking territory, stress relief, and boredom. To redirect this behavior, provide appropriate scratching posts, trim claws, protect furniture, give attention, and reduce stress.

Pet Nutrition: How to Make Healthy Homemade Treats for Your Pet

Pet owners can show love for their furry friends by making healthy homemade treats, controlling the ingredients, and ensuring proper nutrition. Consider your pet's dietary needs and food sensitivities. Choose natural ingredients like meat, vegetables, and fruits, and avoid toxic ingredients.

Pet Safety: How to Keep Your Pet Safe During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be a time of stress and danger for our furry friends. With decorations, food, and visitors coming and going, it's important to be mindful of your pet's safety and well-being.

The Importance of Pet Grief Support: How to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

Losing a pet is a profound loss that can have a significant impact on a pet owner's emotional and mental well-being. We understand this connection and offer pet grief support services to help pet owners navigate their loss. This may include counseling, resources, and support groups.

Pet Behavior: Understanding and Managing Compulsive Disorders in Dogs

Compulsive disorders in dogs are repetitive behaviors caused by stress, anxiety, or boredom. They can have a significant impact on a dog's quality of life. Common signs include repetitive actions with no purpose, and behaviors that persist even when not rewarded.

Pet Nutrition: How to Make Homemade, Balanced Meals for Your Senior Pet

Pet nutrition is crucial for overall health and well-being. Making homemade meals for senior pets ensures they get balanced nutrients, including high-quality protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and supplements of vitamins and minerals.

Pet Safety: How to Keep Your Pet Safe During Thanksgiving

Protect your pet this Thanksgiving by keeping food and decorations out of reach, providing a quiet space, being mindful of guests, and keeping identification up to date. Ensure a happy and safe holiday for your pet by following these simple tips.

The Importance of Pet Geriatric Care: Understanding the Health Needs of Older Pets

Pet geriatric care is crucial for ensuring the health and well-being of senior pets. At Ocean Animal Hospital, located in Cape Canaveral, Florida, our experienced veterinarians offer routine check-ups, personalized exercise plans, suitable diets, and dental care to keep senior pets healthy.

Pet Nutrition: How to Switch Your Pet to a Vegetarian or Vegan Diet

A vegetarian or vegan diet for pets can reduce the risk of certain health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and some cancers. It can also improve gut health, coat, and skin health.

Pet Safety: How to Keep Your Pet Safe During Halloween

Keep your pet safe during Halloween with tips from Ocean Animal Hospital. Keep Halloween candies out of reach, be careful with costumes, ensure decoration safety, keep pets indoors, and be prepared for emergencies. Celebrate Halloween with peace of mind for your furry friend.

Understanding Pet Diabetes: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Diabetes is a growing concern for pets, early detection and treatment can improve their quality of life. Symptoms include increased thirst and urination, weight loss, poor coat condition, and weakness.

Pet Dental Health: How to Clean and Care for Your Pet's Teeth at Home

Pet owners should prioritize dental care for their pets to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and heart disease. Regular brushing, chewing toys, a healthy diet, and regular dental exams are important for maintaining oral health.

Pet Safety: How to Keep Your Pet Safe During Back-to-School Season

Back-to-school can be stressful for pets, so at Ocean Animal Hospital in Cape Canaveral, FL, we advise adjusting pets' schedules, keeping dangerous items out of reach, providing exercise and attention, considering a pet sitter or daycare, and keeping their health up-to-date.

The Benefits of Pet Physical Therapy: How it Can Help With Recovery and Injury Prevention

Pet physical therapy helps improve mobility, strength, and quality of life for pets. It speeds up recovery from injury, prevents future injuries, and manages chronic conditions like arthritis.

Hearty, Healthy, and Homemade: Great Recipes for Your Dog

Food is the most important thing we buy for our dogs. Good nutrition is essential to healthy teeth, skin, muscles, and the overall wellbeing of our pets. While many dog food manufacturers are dedicated to making sure they are providing healthy dog food to their customers, the best way to ensure your dog food has healthy ingredients is to make it yourself! Whether it’s a special occasion or you just love to experiment in the kitchen, here are some delicious dog food recipes for you to try out.

Tips and Tricks for Picky Eaters

Is your dog a picky eater? When it’s time to eat, do you notice him only sniffing and licking his food rather than gobbling it up? Maybe when you go to feed him dinner you notice that he hasn’t even finished lunch!

Canine Influenza Outbreak

On June 16, the University of Florida confirmed that more than 20 dogs have been diagnosed with Canine Influenza (H3N2). They also note that cases seen by veterinarians outside the college cannot be tracked since Canine Influenza not considered a reportable disease by the state.

Why is My Pet Suddenly Aggressive?

Nothing is more terrifying or confusing for a pet owner than when your typically easy-going and friendly pet suddenly attacks another animal, child, or you. The answer to why your pet has suddenly become aggressive isn’t always clear. In any case, if your pet exhibits acts of aggressiveness, it is imperative that you address it before it becomes a habit.

New Year, New Budget: Pet Budgeting Tips

Whether you’re getting a new pet this year or just looking for ways to save money on current pet expenses, here’s some tips we think will help.

Are Rabies Vaccinations Necessary Anymore?

Some pet owners believe that because it isn’t as common, or because their pet stays mostly indoors, they can opt out of getting this life-saving vaccination.

Gum Disease Prevention

There is no question that it is incredibly important to practice good oral healthcare for our pets in order to maintain their overall health. Gum disease poses a particular problem for dogs, who are five times more likely to develop the disease than humans. If your dog’s gums are not properly maintained, the effects can make devastating impacts on vital organs like the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Did You Know: Manatees

Manatees have a special place in every Floridian’s heart, but do we really know one of our favorite sea creatures as well as we think we do?

Dealing with a Dog Who Bites

It can be quite a shock when your own dog bites you, and even more horrifying if she bites other people! Still, millions of Americans are bitten by dogs every year, many needing medical attention after the fact. All dogs are capable of biting, so it is important to understand the common triggers so that you can prevent these instances of dog aggression.

Stop Dog Urine from Destroying Your Lawn

A well-kept lawn makes us both feel good about ourselves and look good to others. But when our pups insist on peeing in the same area over and over, it can really take a toll on our beautiful backyards.

Preparing Your Pet for Natural Disasters

Floridians are no strangers to disasters. Hurricanes, floods, sinkholes, you name it – we got it. With a major emergency happening in Florida at least once a year, you’d think Florida pet parents would be well-prepared. But just in case, here’s some tips to make sure your pet is prepared when disaster strikes.

It’s THAT Time of Year Again

It’s time to talk about your pets and making sure to never leave a pet in a hot vehicle. While the goal should be to not leave your furry loved ones unattended in a vehicle no matter what time of year it is, summer temperatures can escalate things quickly.

Dog Dental Care - Bad Breath, Teeth Cleaning, Dog Dentist in Cocoa Beach, FL

It is important to realize that your dog will never tell you when it is experiencing dental pain. All dogs will endure some level of dental disease and dental pain during their lives.

Keeping Your Pet Safe in the Summer Heat

Here in Florida, it never really gets cold in the winter. Our northern friends get reminders about pet hazards with the change of each season, but without true seasonality, it can be easy to forget how dangerous heat really can be for our pets.

Need A Puppy Vaccination In Cape Canaveral

Whether you are a dog or cat owner or both, keeping vaccinations up-to-date is crucial in maintaining your animal’s safety.

How to Keep Your Cat Calm at Night

It's 2 a.m. and everyone is fast asleep, except for your cat. Your feline friend races through the house, skidding around corners and knocking over everything in its path. Although your cat might think that the middle of the night is the perfect time for these frenzied runs, you probably disagree.

What Is Laser Therapy For Dogs And How Does It Work?

Did You search for a “Vet near me”? But you really needed Dog laser therapy? We’ve Got You Covered. At Ocean Animal Hospital, we pride ourselves with always searching for new ways to care for your dog, especially where pain is concerned.

A Pet Owner's Guide To Flea Control In Cape Canaveral

Some pets are allergic to fleas and can become intensely itchy from a single flea bite, whereas other pets may experience mild itching or none at all. Just because your pet isn’t scratching doesn’t mean there are no fleas.

Abdominal Pet Radiography In Cape Canaveral

Find out more about our pet radiography services with our fun and informative blog post.

5 Cat Wellness Tips in Honor of Pet Wellness Month

October is pet wellness month and because, as veterinarians, we know that you want your fur babies in your life for as long as possible, we’d like to help you put your pets on the path to wellness. We’re taking the opportunity in this blog post to talk about the many ways you can help improve your cat wellness.

The Importance of Spay/Neuter In Cape Canaveral

The importance of spay/neuter in Cape Canaveral is multi-fold for pet safety and supporting pet owners. Spay/neutering in Cape Canaveral also play a crucial role in local communities.

Does My Pet Need Year-Round Flea and Tick Prevention In Cape Canaveral? Yes, and Here's Why!

The sun is starting to set earlier and earlier and the temperature is getting cooler. Some parts of the U.S. have begun to see blankets of snow that seemingly showed up overnight. Our minds have turned to thoughts of f mugs of hot cocoa & Christmas tree lights. We see our sleeping pets curled up and content on their bed when, all a sudden, their head pops up and they start to chew on their hip. “It can’t be a flea!” you think.

Keep Your Pet Safe During the Holidays From Your Veterinarian In Cape Canaveral

Thanksgiving Day may be one of your favorite holidays, but Turkey Day can be dangerous for your pets. Following a few of these tips will help you ensure that your furry friends don't suffer a Thanksgiving emergency.

Pet Vaccinations in Cape Canaveral

The importance of vaccinating your pets: Learn why pets should be vaccinated and how they can continue with a healthy life in Cape Canaveral

Veterinarian Near Me in Cape Canaveral

Having a veterinarian nearby can be incredibly useful, not just for emergencies but also for convenience, economically and living stress free

Emergency Vet in Cape Canaveral

Emergency care for pets is incredibly important, learn about the signs that your pet may require emergency care and what to do in the case of emergency

Dog Dentist Near Me in Cape Canaveral, FL

Dental care for dogs is extremely important, having a Dog Dentist nearby is a great asset when your dog is in need of emergency care such as with broken or loose teeth along with providing an easier time when bringing them in for regular checkups and cleanings.

Digital Radiology for dogs in Cape Canaveral

Learn about Digital Veterinarian Radiology/Radiography, also known as a digital X-ray, a non-invasive process that will allow us to have a better look at your pet's condition.

The Importance of having a Veterinary Dermatologist Near Me in Cape Canaveral

‍Just like humans, pets can suffer from allergies, ear infections, skin conditions, and other related issues. We specialize in the treatment of skin, hair, nail, and ear problems in pets.

Why you should take your pet in for a preventive pet care exam in Cape Canaveral, FL

In a preventive pet care exam we will review every aspect of your pet’s health from the ears to the tail because we know how important it is to catch any potential issues as early as possible.

Puppy Pet Care in Cape Canaveral, FL

New Puppy? Ocean Animal Hospital loves new puppies! Bring them to us as soon as possible to keep them healthy.

Senior Pet Care in Cape Canaveral, FL

Our veterinarian at Ocean Animal Hospital in Cape Canaveral can help you learn what changes you can make now to help increase the quality of your senior pet's life!

Checkups for Pets in Cape Canaveral, FL

Checkups are important to preserve your pet's health throughout their lifespan and ensure that they stay safe and happy for as long as possible.

General Cat Care in Cape Canaveral

There is important information that a cat owner should know when it comes to the care of their cat.

Kitten Care in Cape Canaveral, FL

Learn about the importance of Kitten Care in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Small Dog Care in Cape Canaveral, FL

Learn about small dogs, and how to care for their nutrition, checkups, vaccinations, and more.

Large Dog Care in Cape Canaveral, FL

If you have a large dog or are thinking of bringing one home, here is some info to help you make the proper choices for your big dog in Cape Canaveral.

Tips for new cat owners in Cape Canaveral, FL

Decided to add a cat to the family? Congratulations! Here are some tips that might help you.

How to prepare your pet to get vaccinated in Cape Canaveral, FL.

Learn How to Prepare your Pet to get a Vaccination at a Vet in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

How to take care of your Pets for Summer in Cape Canaveral, FL.

When the temperatures get extreme in summer, pet safety should be on the top of your mind. Here are some ways to stay safe while enjoying summer with your pet at Cape Canaveral.

Flea Prevention in Cape Canaveral, FL.

Fleas make pet’s lives itchy and uncomfortable, and like any pet owner, you want to keep fleas from bothering your pet and moving into your home.

How to maintain proper pet dental health

There are many ways to help clean your pet’s teeth in Cape Canaveral, learn about the different ways you can implement at home!

The‌ ‌Importance‌ ‌of‌ ‌Ultrasounds‌ ‌for‌ ‌pets‌ ‌in‌ ‌Cape‌ ‌Canaveral,‌ ‌FL‌

If you are wondering what ultrasound can do for your pet, learn here about the importance of ultrasound for pets in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Why does your Dog need a Rabies Vaccine in Cape Canaveral, FL

Rabies is a viral disease that once symptoms appear is almost fatal but proper vaccination is the best way to keep your dog safe.

What to do if your Dog eats something it shouldn't in Cape Canaveral, FL

Learn what do you do in situations where your pet may have consumed something that is potentially dangerous for them.

How to deal with Ear Mites in Cats in Cape Canaveral?

Do you see your cat rubbing its ears or shaking its head? It may be mites, a natural parasite that lives on their skin's surface. Here's how to see if your cat has ear mites so you can cure them and keep them from spreading.

How to prepare your Dog for a Radiograph in Cape Canaveral?

If your vet has ordered to get a radiograph of your dog and you are wondering what to expect and how to be prepared for it, read our blog to learn all about it.

How to Treat Pets with Diabetes in Cape Canaveral?

Pets such as cats and dogs can also develop diabetes. Learn how to treat them properly in Cape Canaveral.

Why it's Important to Take your Pet with Fleas to the Vet.

Flea management is critical to the health of your pet and family. Learn why it's important to take your pet with fleas to your vet.

Why come to our Veterinary in Cape Canaveral?

We understand that you have many alternatives when it comes to selecting the appropriate veterinarian for your pet, so here are a few reasons you can trust Ocean Animal Hospital in Cape Canaveral.

Pet Poison Prevention and Treatment in Cape Canaveral

Learn more prevention and treatments of poison in pets in Cape Canaveral

When is the right time to Spay or Neuter your Pet in Cape Canaveral?

Spaying or neutering your pet can help avoid unwanted litter while also lowering the risk of mammary cancer and testicular cancer. Learn more about when your pet should be spayed or neutered.

Examinations for Arthritis in Dogs in Cape Canaveral.

Arthritis may be at blame if your dog has trouble getting up, tired easily, or appears stiff. Learn how to make your dog's arthritic pain and suffering go away.

The Importance of Blood Testing in Pets in Cape Canaveral

Learn how blood testing for cats and dogs helps the veterinarian diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions.

Early Disease Detection Testing for Pets at Cape Canaveral

What is early detection testing and how can it help your pet in Cape Canaveral? Let’s take a closer look.

Feline Dental Cleanings in Cape Canaveral

Feline Dental Cleanings in Cape Canaveral. Feline dental cleaning it’s essential to a longer, healthier life, and will help your cat avoid painful conditions later.

How Ocean Animal Hospital Vets Help Pets Allergies in Cape Canaveral

Learn about the type of allergies pets can get and how to help them in Cape Canaveral.

Dog Teeth Extractions in Cape Canaveral

Learn more about Dog Teeth Extractions in Cape Canaveral and why it’s important.

Heart & Lung Tests for Pets in Cape Canaveral

Pets are prone to heart and lung diseases, and some of them can be handed on from generation to generation. Here's what you should know about heart and lung exams.

How Vets Treat Anxiety in Pets in Cape Canaveral?

Learn more about the signs of anxiety in pets, as well as what you can do to help treat and manage their anxiety.

Should I Take My Pet with Ear Hematoma to a Vet in Cape Canaveral?

An ear hematoma is a blood-filled pocket on the inside of the ear flap that is commonly observed in pets, more often in dogs.

How Vets Treat Lymphoma in Pets in Cape Canaveral.

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes or lymphatic system that is one of the most prevalent diseases in pets. Learn here more about the disease.

Should I take my cat to a vet in Cape Canaveral or are they just fat?

Learn what causes obesity in cats, what you can do to get it under control, what other symptoms to keep an eye on, and when to call the vet

What you're feeding your pet in Cape Canaveral can lead to a vet visit

What are the ingredients to look for and to look out for and should you feed people food to your pets?

How a Vet Treats Worms in Cape Canaveral. for Dogs?

Worms in dogs might have symptoms that are similar to those of other illnesses, so it's important to know what to look for. Continue reading to discover more about dog worms and how to treat them.

Should I take my pet to the vet if his eyes look cloudy in Cape Canaveral

Signs and symptoms of common eye problems and what can be done to fix them

Talking to your vet before getting a Niche Pet in Cape Canaveral

Definition of niche pets, most common niche pets, and care tips

It’s always a good time to talk about Fleas and Ticks in Cape Canaveral

Facts about Fleas and Ticks, the dangers of them, and treatment options

What Core Vaccines does my pet need in Cape Canaveral

Vaccines, diseases they combat and when they are needed

Do you need a pet check up in Cape Canaveral FL?

Don’t Wait Schedule Today!

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Linda Collins
5.0 ★★★★★
I love how Dr. Young interacts with my elderly pet. He is gentle and explains everything that he is doing and his staff is very friendly and accommodating.
Gina Westlake
5.0 ★★★★★
I brought my frenchie in because she started having seizures and Dr. Young was fantastic. Great staff, patient and phenomenal prices! Highly recommended!
Meredith Runion
5.0 ★★★★★
Dr. Young is great! The staff is very friendly and welcoming. I trust his opinion and he always has the pet's best interests at heart and is realistic.
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Maureen Dempsey
5.0 ★★★★★
I highly recommend Oceans Animal Hospital. My experience was top notch from start to finish. The staff was kind and helpful and the doctor went above and beyond. They explain everything thoroughly, document the procedure nicely and follow up with care. They even called to remind me about starting Ziggy's medications. Great group of professionals!
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Pamela Salvi
5.0 ★★★★★
I know that my pet is getting the best care with Dr. Young and his team at Ocean Animal Hospital. I trust Dr. Young , he is kind, thoughtful, and his knowledge of veterinary medicine is top notch.
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Nathan Ziegler
5.0 ★★★★★
They are fantastic! Very helpful and friendly! They make the visit very comfortable for my dog and cat, giving a personal touch that goes the extra mile.
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After Hours Emergency Care
Animal Specialty & Emergency Hospital
(321) 753-7600